
Welcome to Housing.
Our focus is on business development, housing, childcare, workforce development, and quality of life in Crookston, MN.
Work in Progress! Check out the floor plans for a new home at 1402 Eickhof Boulevard.
Interested? Contact Theresa at ttahran@crookstonheda.com or (218) 470-2000.​

Our Purpose
Crookston Housing takes a proactive approach to address housing needs and support its local economy. The city provides diverse housing options, from affordable to market rate. This is essential for creating a vibrant community where people from various backgrounds can find suitable homes.
We are committed to collaborating with housing authorities, developers, and organizations like DEED and the Minnesota Housing Partnership to finding comprehensive solutions.
We understand the importance of other quality-of-life factors like childcare, workforce development, healthcare, and active living options. These options are crucial for attracting and retaining residents who want to grow with the city.
By focusing on these areas, Crookston will continue to enhance its appeal as a great place to live, work, and raise a family.
Crookston is actively working towards building a more inclusive and sustainable community. We do this by encouraging dialogue and collaboration among residents, businesses, and local government. It is the key to addressing ongoing challenges and seizing new opportunities